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Item #1 Patterns growth statement

Personal Growth

Write about your personal development during this unit. You may want to address the questions below.

How do you feel you progressed

  • in working together with others?
    I didn't progress, 

  • in presenting to the class?

  • in writing about and describing  your thought processes?


What do you feel you need to work on and how might you work on it?


You should include here any other thoughts about your experience with this unit that you want to share with a reader of your portfolio.

Personal Growth Statement Healthy Populations:

Your cover letter describes how the mathematical ideas develop in the unit. As part of your portfolio, write about your own personal development during this unit. Below are some questions to get you thinking.

You might respond to one (or more) of these questions, but you could also write about other areas of personal growth that are important to you.

·         What do you think are some of the most important issues of fairness (and unfairness) in providing health insurance?

·         You may have chosen to do some independent research about health insurance during this unit. What did you learn?

·         What questions do you still have?

·         What insights have you gained about how mathematics is used to shape decisions about caring for family, friends, fellow citizens, and ourselves?

·         What have you learned about how to use mathematics to analyze and argue against unfair situations?

·         What are you recognizing as some of your strengths and areas of growth when working in groups?

·         What would you like to get better at and why?

·         How might the ideas in this unit affect your own behavior in situations that involve probability?


Personal growth statement

The main problem for the pit and the pendulum was “is it possible to escape the pendulum at the rate it was going at?” we didn't find the answer until the end of the unit because we learned things about pendulums and that the only thing that matters is length so te angle doesn't matter.

Pit and Pendulum

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